In the first two years of anthropology, the first two years we have a certain common plan where the assignments are linked to the different disciplines of the social sciences. We have subjects with more time and relevance than others, for example, the fundamental problems of anthropology which are divided into four semesters, each covering some special unit. Within these three semesters - 2 and a half years - that I have studied, we have had several field trips, laboratories and practical activities.

  In general, the infrastructure of the university or the faculty of social sciences is quite good, if it has many things to improve, but for example, compared to my high school or other universities, the u de chile has good things. also, the technology we use in the race is good and advanced, it has several materials that allow ease when analyzing and studying, this due to the quality of the technologies.

 The career has a total of 10 semesters, where at the end of the second year we have to choose a specific mention, social anthropology, physical anthropology or archeology, this is still in my opinion quite good because you end up graduating with a mention, but you know and have knowledge of all areas, therefore, it becomes something flexible.

 In general, I don't think I would make many changes to the course, its professors are quite good, understanding and at the academic level, it has good content.


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